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(Poem) Great IndiaViews: 578
May 08, 2007 4:29 am(Poem) Great India#

~ ever happy ~ ani.
(For my Sindhi Bhavra ayen Bhenaar)

The home of settlers early
Around the Indus River valley,
Was named "India"
A sub-continent of Southern Asia.

The Aryan worshippers referred to the river 'Indus' as 'Sindhu'
The Persian invaders converted into 'Hindu',
"India" has been a land of rural charm and urban prosperity
And a wellspring of agriculture and artistry.

Ancient and medieval India, so compelling
Had myriad of kingdoms and kings,
The Turks, The Afghans, The Mughals and finally, The British
With whom our noble 'Jawans' fought and today, their memories, we cherish.

Ultimately, with Gandhi-ji's non-violence
His unyielding attitude and eminence,
He could convince
The British, to give us 'Independence'.

On August 15, 1947, India became a dominion
Although, between the Hindus & Muslims, sad was the partition,
On January 26, 1950, Republic India, formed a Constitution
And Late Jawaharlal Nehru ruled the Nation.

India is a country known for its rich culture
Magnificient splendour,
Bountiful treasures
And fascinating literature.

The well known scientist,
Invented the digit 'zero'
And became Number System's 'hero'.

Algerba, Trignometry and Calculus
Originated in India 'ingenious',
In Takshila, the World's First University
Was established in the 4th Century.

Indian masterpiece monuments, the 'Taj Mahal'
The 'Hawa Mahal', the 'Konark Temple',
Are examples of splendid architecture
Beautiful, beyond measure.

India basks in the warmth of folk painters
Metal workers, wood carvers, loom weavers,
Textile printers, sculptors, jewelers
Doctors, architects and engineers.

India is known for agricultural flourish, a land of gold
Also, for religions, manifold,
Great Epics, 'Sanskrit', 'Gita' and 'Yoga'
Astrology, Vedas and 'Ayurveda'.

People with vibrant spirit and also, friendly
Is Indian speciality,
They give great love and respect
To elders and their guest.

India has diverse cuisine, so delicious
With aromatic flavors and food sumptuous,
Folk dances, festivals exuding extravagance
Giving joy and merriment, in abundance.

To the River Ganges, I humbly pay my homage
And also to India's heritage,
I am so proud of India, a country, so great and mighty
With pristine beauty.

anita butani
08 05 2007

Private Reply to ~ ever happy ~ ani.

May 08, 2007 4:58 amre: (Poem) Great India#

Sonu C
Hi Anita, That is a nice poem. Good way to pen down the history with sentiments..

Private Reply to Sonu C

May 08, 2007 5:48 amre: re: (Poem) Great India#

~ ever happy ~ ani.

Much appreciate your reading the poem and your good comments.


Private Reply to ~ ever happy ~ ani.

May 08, 2007 6:05 amre: (Poem) [2]-Body versus Soul#

Dinesh Punjabi
Written by Anita Butani.

(one of my very old poems)

Poliomyelitis has left on me a callous, ineffaceable stamp
And has very much spoilt the contours of my body,
Oh! Lord, was it I left alone to face
This little deformation, that has marred my entire charm.

Yet, when I hear little children me on the streets tease
I dare not blame them, for theirs is no malicious talk,
I simply feel they are demigods
Who really do not mean to pulverize my heart.

But, again, I feel I am better off, without the crutches, I can walk
Oh! Thank you a lot my benignant God,
I am very much complacent with what you gave and what I am
Learning that the beauty of the 'soul' is better than body's.

anita butani
08 05 07 (Global Sindhis Msg Board Post)

Private Reply to Dinesh Punjabi

May 12, 2007 5:44 am(Poem) - A mother#

~ ever happy ~ ani.

(For Mother's Day - 13th of May
Dear mothers & mother's to be,
"Happy Mother's Day", in advance)

A lady who dotes on the child, even when in her womb
Whatever be the gift of God, she wants it to bloom,
Right from the day, she knows, she will be a mother
She is immensely glad, no matter if it is a son, or a daughter.

As the child is born to her
Her happiness is inconceivable, beyond measure,
For she feels life is now complete
With a child, family, replete.

She feels God has been kind and generous
To gift her a child, invaluable and precious,
For her infant
The attachment is abundant.

Oh! What care she takes to bring up the child
With a tenderness, so subtle and mild,
Her eyes will not shut, let it be day or night
When the baby is sick, ailing and not alright.

Her passion to grow the kid with endearing emotions
And a lot of dreams, aspirations and ambitions,
Is an amalgam of love and anguish
Which she will under no circumstances, relinquish.

For a child, a mother is always a source of inspiration
A coaxing soul, a guide, a teacher of education,
She is a symbol of affection and determination
In rearing children, to her heart’s satisfaction.

A mother is a personage
Who will her child ever encourage,
To climb up the ladder of life, slowly and steadily
With utmost caution, reach the top, joyfully and willingly.

This relationship of a mother and a kid
Which Lord has created, is really so splendid,
Even though, tall and big, the child grows
A mother is a mother, to serve her child, she is ever on her toes.

To sum up, a mother is a portrait of love immense
An embodiment of sincerity and patience,
An endearing picture of perseverance
And undoubtedly, remarkable and par excellence.

anita butani

Private Reply to ~ ever happy ~ ani.

May 12, 2007 6:39 amre: (Poem) - A mother#

Anita- this is for you- Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Private Reply to RAJAN ADVANI

May 16, 2007 5:06 amre: re: (Poem) - A mother#

~ ever happy ~ ani.

Thanks a ton for the applause.
I was really happy to see the lovely picture.



Private Reply to ~ ever happy ~ ani.

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