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Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.Views: 1363
Mar 20, 2007 2:09 amCheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Dinesh Punjabi
Hi Friends,

Cheti Chand Ji Lakh Lakh Wadhaiyon..... Wishing you all the very best for the New Year. May you achieve what you aspire for.

Thank You all for contributing to this network and making it grow. Do keep writing in and keep the sindhi flame glowing.

Cheti Chand:
It is the name given to the Sindhi New Year which is celebrated every year in March-April to mark the birth anniversary of Jhulelal (b.1007 AD), who is considered by the Sindhis to be the reincarnation of Lord Varuna or the God of Water. Water has a special significance for Sindhis because centuries ago Sindhi merchants used to traverse through the waters by ships carrying their cargo to far-off lands.

Take Care,
Dinesh Punjabi

Photos of GS Mixer http://www.ryze.com/go/dp1967
Add as friend on dpalb@hotmail.com

Private Reply to Dinesh Punjabi

Mar 20, 2007 5:38 amre: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Haresh Tolani
Wishing All the Sindhi friends a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Private Reply to Haresh Tolani

Mar 20, 2007 5:51 amre: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Sonu C
Wishes to all ... So where are we meeting for the same .. Shall we meet on Friday as today seems to be a very busy day work wise ...

Pl suggest the restaurant

Mahjong at Khar is nice ...

Private Reply to Sonu C

Mar 20, 2007 12:17 pmre: re: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Haresh Tolani
Sonu, Good suggestion but I am busy watching the match. I would suggest if Dinesh is OK we can meet at CCI on any SUNDAY. They have very good brunch spread.

Private Reply to Haresh Tolani

Mar 20, 2007 4:18 pmre: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Pushpa Moorjani
So today is the Cheti Chand..Happy New year to You!!!!

A new year for Sindhis, to be celebrated with much pomp and show, It’s the day to get kharchi from elders and to wear new clothes and go to visit relatives and get more kharchi. In the evening to go to some entertainment show where they will sing those same songs that they have brought from Sindh (with little alteration here and there). Those same song, sung long ago by Ram Punwani and Bhagwanti Navani etc.

songs like
Ek soun jo rupeeo allah ree allah.

and songs like
‘Lal ja jati chau
Bera hi paar,
Sadai Sahukar’

(now u know how Sindhis get rich? If you chant Sadai Sahukar in front of Lal Sahi, and keep such positive energies all the time and then naturally you will get rich na?) JuleLal always listen to people who are hard working and hold such positive energies.

Lage raho …lage raho..
Sadai Sahukar.


Okay this much information is enough for a child of seven year old to understand.

But I need to know more about what else do they do? So I asked my sister to give me some insight. She asked me to accompany her to Julelal mandir and she promised me lunch (good enough reason to go, free lunch? Why not!

I went to Lal Sahiji’s mandir with her. The mandir was full of Sindhi ladies in late 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. There were few children (probably the grand children) but the youngsters were not there at all.

Array Baba, who will go to these Mandirs after, say next 20 years from now? Our culture is dying na! With youngster, who are not in the least interested?

‘.Lal Sahi. Are You Listening? Days are numbered…..no youngsters visiting you? Eh?’

Anyways we reached mandir and there were some ladies making the dough of flour and shaping it into diya (lamp), (each diya was stuffed with cloves and cardamom) and another dough mould (decorated with silver vark, dry fruits like almonds and cashew nuts) to hold the misri (rock sugar), they were placed in thali (a big steel plate) and given it to those who did not bring any from their home.

But my sister believes in doing everything herself, so she had come prepared bringing with her all the things in her potli (bag). She only borrowed the thali from the mandir and one by one she removed from her potli and started placing items into the thali , things like diya (Filling it with pure Ghee and cotton wick), miisri, rice, fruit, biscuit and flowers, vermillion, and few coins. She then stood in a long queue to present this thali to the guryani (a woman priest) who would light the lamp, read the prayers and bless her thali. After the prayers she placed the thali (now, after prayers, this thali is called Barano Sahib) on her head and turned 360 degrees (three times) before she went outside the mandir and place the thali in front of huge picture of JuleLal (which had many more similar thalis) for the final blessing. She started praying once more (her own method this time) putting rice in her own thali, plus in other thalis and staring at the picture then shutting her eyes again.

I meekly asked where the free lunch is. Eh? I followed the glance of my sister which rested on the long queue, waiting in line to get the food. Queues like you see at refugee camps…or those queues that you see in movies where the prisoners wait for food. Are we supposed to stand in this queue? I remembered that dialogue in some movie where protagonist says ‘hum judar khare ho jate hai.. vahi se line suroo hoti hai….’ I wondered if I could use that dialogue here…and cut this long queue…but alas!….with my sister around, nothing will work.. Disciple comes first! So I quietly stand behind her and wait for Prasad.

Delicious Prasad! Indeed! Peas pulau, bhee aloo. Salad. Puri, achar, fried bhajiysa, sweet rice, boiled channa, and sayoo and to drown it all with rose sherbet. (all fattening….my nutrition analyst would not approve of this meal.) Never mind, its new year na!

…Lal ja Jati chau
bera hi Paar
Sadai sahukar!

Now I am getting some idea about this Cheti Chand

According to the Hindu calendar, Cheti Chand is celebrated on the first day of the Chaitra month known as Chet in Sindhi. Hence it is known as CHET-I-CHAND

The Sindhi community celebrates the festival of Cheti Chand in honour of the birth of Ishtadeva Uderolal, popularly known as Jhulelal, the Patron Saint of the Sindhis. This day is considered to be very auspicious and is celebrated with pompous and gaiety. On this day, people worship water – the elixir of life.

Followers of Jhulelal observe Chaliho Sahab. It suggests that for forty long days and nights they underwent rituals and vigil on the bank of Sindhu. They did not shave, nor did they wear new clothes or shoes. They did not use soap or oil or any opulent thing. They just washed their clothes, dried them and wore them again. In the evening, they worshipped God Varun, sang songs in his praise and prayed for their solace and salvation. After 40 days of Chaaliho, the followers of Jhulelal celebrate the occasion with festivity as 'Thanks Giving Day' even till today.

A lamp is lit on a bronze plate, and this ritual is called Jyot Jagan. One lamp, akshaoil and vermillion are kept on this plate .

A procession is taken out to the river front or sea shore. Lakhs of people participate in the long processions taken out in different cities, with colourful floats, depicting the life of the Saint and other aspects of Sindhi culture. The Sindhi folk dance called "Chhej" is performed with the procession. People go to a river or a lake and Bahrano Saheb is immersed in the water along with rice and sugar prasad called "Akho". It is customary to sing Lal Sain's Panjras and Palav to seek his grace.

New ventures are started on this day. After the worship of Jhulelal, the Sindhi community display and present their rich culture through dance, drama, music and folk arts that are preserved and passed on to…next generation..?

If only, our new generation can show some interest, then maybe. the lamp will continue to be lit…….!

Private Reply to Pushpa Moorjani

Mar 20, 2007 4:47 pmre: re: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Renu Sakhrani
Hi Pushpa

That was a wonderful write up on our rituals - I will cut and paste it and share with my fellow sindhis at this years YSA Retreat.
It is being held in Houston Texas on the 1st - 3rd of June 2007.

Details of Registration are at www.YoungSindhiadults.org if you know of anyone who might be interested to attend - pls share this information with them.

The Retreat last year was held in S.Francisco and I attended this and the programing that they had arranged was excellent.

I will definitley share this write up with them as I found it to be extremely informative.

Thanks so much - and hopefully we will meet when I am back in India in July.

Take care and warm regards...Renu Sakkhrani YVR - Canada

Private Reply to Renu Sakhrani

Mar 20, 2007 4:49 pmre: re: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

KavithaKishin Chugani
Dear Pushpa,

Wow what a wonderful explanation on significant of sindhi new year,I'm glad to be married to a sindhi thou I dont know the culture.My mother in law explains to me the meaning of the each festival.Its so nice reading it and while I read it loud as my hubby was listening and he to told me how rich is the sindhi culture and its significant.Its too bad now days young generation are not following but if we all want them to follow then, we should practice the culture to them since the day they were born. At least the first word you talk to your child should be in sindhi......at home always talk in sindhi.

Cheti Chand ( Happy New Year) to all Sindhi's around the world and all the best.

warm regards
Kavit Chugani

Private Reply to KavithaKishin Chugani

Mar 20, 2007 8:31 pmCheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Hello Everyone,
Herez Wishing ALL my Sindhi comrades/friends a very Happy Sindhi New Year.....Cheti Chand Ji Tawa Sabniyan Kheh Lakh Lakh Wadhaiyon Hujan !
And Kudos to Ms Pushpa Moorjani for writing this wonderful writeup,full of information, and inspiring us to keep our culture alive.I feel each one of us shud take a print out, FRAME it and display it in our homes ,where the present generation is prompted to read it umpteen number of times ,so that they dont forget our soon-to-die culture!
It really pains me to see the present generation Sindhis shying away or even abhoring to use Sindhi in public places for reasons best known to them.In most cases they hardly know how to speak the language.While in cities like Mumbai and Delhi, we see people flocking to foreign language institutes to learn French, or opting for foreign languages as a subject in school, its a pity that most of us cant even read our script(including me).I remember,in those days of snail mail...whenever we used to receive a letter from any of our relatives, I wud look helplessly towards my mother, requesting her to read it for me and help me get updated as to what is going on in family.Althou I tried learning it .....but school and college life took all the time and interest and I cud never learn enuf to be able to read/write all by my own!!
Methinks,our elders play a pivotal role in keeping our language alive.I have a daughter aged 2 and a half yrs, and she can speak Sindhi better than hindi and english.Thats all coz of the influence of my parents.We as parents wudnt have been able to put that much effort.Whatever time we wud have spent wid our child , must have been , for sure .....for helping her learn English and Hindi, in that order ..of course ..coz somewhere in our minds we feel that only these languages wud help her in her school/college life.
We happen to learn our state language in school , somehow or the other....shudn't the present education system take care of letting the student choose their mother tongue(on a lighter note.....reminds me....y do we always say "mother-tongue"?...is it coz fathers seldom get chance to speak ? :) ) as an option or add-on subject?It has to be at school/grass-root level coz we as parents ourselves dont know how to read or write, so how to think about teaching our kids at home? And most of us won't be sending them seperately to learn Sindhi, just as we sometimes do ...for " hobby classes"!
So what shall we do to protect our identity and culture?We had to face this situation earlier, once during partition of un-divided India, and we managed to survive , not giving up at any cost.History is kinda repeating again.....and what now ??Shall we leave it to its fate, only to disappear in oblivion ?
Think over it !!
Your valuable opinion and views are solicited,
Best Regards,
Manoj Kriplani

Private Reply to EmOtiOnAL FUeL

Mar 21, 2007 5:22 amre: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Sonu C
Pushpa, Nice Article and well scripted ..

Haresh , I am ok with any sunday and CCI but where are others ... Karan, Sonu B, Bhakti ... pl give your inputs ...

Any idea on Khar Gymkhana... Do we hv a member on the network ...

Private Reply to Sonu C

Mar 21, 2007 6:15 amre: re: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Karan Jethani
Halo to milee sindhiyat khe vadhayoon. Pahinje paarnh khe varee sindhi Tthayoon.

Sindhin jaa mela, Laganda hi rahanda.

Pushpa, Thanks for the write up, I can validate as I have seen 'chaliya sahib' celebration and rituals, though personally I dont observe chaliya for personal reasons. I do take part in the procession on the penultimate day, "akho parwaan karanh waaro Ddhee" or "thanksgiving day" The process is no less than a FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL. Most of Community participates in this and we go all the way from temple to the lake where it all ends.

Wish I could arrange for the video of the same. Will certainly try.

Karan :-)

Private Reply to Karan Jethani

Mar 21, 2007 6:31 amre: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Dinesh Punjabi
Hi Karan,

good do try and check if u can get a video clip of the same.

Do you all want to meet up at CCI for Brunch do inform.

All the best.,


Photos of GS Mixer http://www.ryze.com/go/dp1967
Add as friend on dpalb@hotmail.com

Private Reply to Dinesh Punjabi

Mar 21, 2007 12:56 pmre: re: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Pushpa Moorjani
Renu- I am glad u like it so much that u want to share it with the youth of Canada…at YSA retreat.. I am honored. Thank you so much!

Kavitha-Your interest in Sindhi culture is very inspiring, it makes me feel proud to share with u my experience and welcome u to our interesting community.

Manoj- ‘Frame it?’ Wow! That’s a cool compliment….thank you so much…

Sonu- I am glad u like it

Karan- good idea.. ur video will give us a better picture….

Thank you all so much for your comments and feedback.

Private Reply to Pushpa Moorjani

Mar 22, 2007 6:21 amre: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

Sonu C
Thadari is one festival which we celebrate in a grand way with relatives. we use to cook one day before so that we do not lit the fire on Thadari day. Performed devi pooja (part of the ritual) and then eat the food. The food had a spread of Kokis, Aloo, Moong Parathas , Bheedi, Bheea, Tossed salads, Curd Raita etc...Good.. Pushpa's article has revived old memories.

My elders sometimes discuss about sindhi saints in case you folks have some article on the same pl give me the link I wld like to read it.

Private Reply to Sonu C

Mar 26, 2007 5:06 amre: re: Cheti Chand - Sindhi New Year.#

I Think Therefore Am Single:)
Seems like i missed this post somewhere? did you guys finally meet for brunch at the CCI on Sunday?? If not lets meet soon its been a long time since we all connected. How about 31st March or 1st April. Decide could be any new/old place or club. lets try. more sindhis this time please.

Private Reply to I Think Therefore Am Single:)

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