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!:Global Sindhis
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I know you are a Sindhi …...........Views: 438
Mar 15, 2007 7:04 amI know you are a Sindhi …...........#

Pushpa Moorjani
When I see you standing next to the two largest size suitcases at the Airport.

At home you are using plastic to cover anything new in your house whether it's the remote control, VCR, carpet or new couch
You have bed sheets on your sofas so as to keep them from getting dirty.
You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table.
You have drinking glasses made of steel.
All your Tupperware is stained with food color.
Everything you eat is savored in garlic, onion and tomatoes.
You keep leftover food in your fridge in as many numbers of bowls as possible.
You carry a stash of your own food whenever you travel (and travel means any car ride longer than 15 min).
You take Indian snacks anywhere it says "No Food Allowed"
You arrive one or two hours late to a party - and think it's normal.

When you meet strangers and talk for a few minutes, you discover you're talking to a distant cousin.

You don't realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at the top of your lungs when making foreign calls.

You try and reuse gift wrappers, gift boxes, and of course aluminum foil.
You only make long distance calls after 11 p.m.
You have mastered the art of bargaining in shopping.

I know you are Sindhi (like me) and I am proud of you.

Private Reply to Pushpa Moorjani

Mar 15, 2007 8:25 amre: I know you are a Sindhi …...........#

What Rubbish!!

Private Reply to RAJAN ADVANI

Mar 16, 2007 7:42 amre: re: I know you are a Sindhi …...........#

Karan Jethani
Not a Rubbish, Rajan, There are exceptions to every rule, you may be an exception ( I am happy that you are, atleast some Sindhis like you are a consolation).

But Pushpa is right,We are proud to be like that, If we werent like that. We wouldnt have had a chance to come up the way we have in the last 50 years.

I could personally and directly relate to all the description by atleast 60%.

Good one, Pushpa.

Nothing wrong in being realistic.

Karan :-)

Private Reply to Karan Jethani

Mar 19, 2007 11:41 pmre: I know you are a Sindhi …...........#


I know lots of people who do that... and guess there's nothing to feel awkward about!!

To each his own...


Private Reply to LOST IN DEEP THOUGHT...

Mar 20, 2007 7:10 amre: I know you are a Sindhi …...........#

Sonu C
Pushpa.. Nice piece of writing.. The endless list rocks.... good observations.

We all are entitle to our views based on our experiences with ppl around us and few of us do have the habits mentioned in the article

Karan & LIDT
Yes .. inspite of all odds we are proud to be a sindhi and the way we have come up in past 50 years

Private Reply to Sonu C

Mar 20, 2007 2:52 pmre: re: I know you are a Sindhi …...........#

Pushpa Moorjani
Thank you, Rajan, Karan, LIDT, Sonu, for reading my post and giving me your honest feedback.


Private Reply to Pushpa Moorjani

Mar 20, 2007 3:17 pmre: I know you are a Sindhi …...........#

Rishi Chatrani
I think ur scope can go beyond sindhis to desis ... Most of the things you listed are Typical Desi traits may be with a few changes to account for refined and modern desis ... Bottom line - Its all about optimization and creative use of resources.

good luck with expanding the list .

Private Reply to Rishi Chatrani

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