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Sindhi Myths part II..Surprising how many still surviveViews: 389
Nov 10, 2006 9:14 amSindhi Myths part II..Surprising how many still survive#

Sindhi Myths part II..Surprising how many still survive


1. If a pregnant woman takes the step with her right foot first, she will give birth to a son; if she takes the left foot first, she will have a daughter.
2. If a woman looks beautiful during her pregnancy, she will deliver a daughter; but if she looks little ugly and weaker she will have a son.
3. The breast milk of a mother delivering a son, is thick and heavy and that of a mother delivering a daughter is light and watery.
4. If a woman delivering only daughters, her house is changed at the time of delivery, she will give birth to a son.
5. If a pregnant woman wears new clothes during the third,fifth,seventh and the ninth month, she will give birth to a son.
6. If a man tightens the puttee of the cot(waadan) or puts a cord (Agath) through the pajama in the night, he will have daughters only

1. If a child does not start speaking early, he should be given the remains of the food eaten by a crow.

2. If a child gets the upper teeth first, it is not a good omen for his grandfather family on the mothers' side. They may die or be ruined.
3. If some woman gets a child very late after the earlier children have died during the delivery, that child is called "Sokhito" (pampered) and an amulet(Rakhiya or Taweez) is put around its neck according to the reading
of the stars.
4. If a son is born after three continuous daughters, or a daughter is born after three sons, such a child is called 'Tikhar' and is never considered lucky. The 'Tikhar' daughter is considered a bad omen for
her parents and lucky for her in-laws.
5. At the time of delivery the midwife would shout "It is daughter" so that the mother is not adversely affected by the announcement of son's birth.
6. In case of the only son, every one will say. "daughter is born' so that there is no effect of evil eyes. Mostly, the names of such children
were not appealing, for example Basar,Toto,Tidin,Kauro,etc.
7. A knife was kept at the head side of the sleeping child so that it does not have nightmares or gets up all of a sudden in the midnight.
8. A child with two thumbs or six fingers will not see difficult days. He will be a skillful person.
9. Apply a black mark on the face of a child to avoid the effect of evil eyes.
10. At the time of the birth of a child, if a glass of water in which silver and gold pieces have been washed is powered on the child, or if the breast of the mother is washed with that water and then the child is
given milk, the child will become very rich.

If a pregnant woman does any work on the eclipse day it will have an effect on the child. For example.
1. If she breaks the sticks, the child will be broken.
2. If she closes her eyes, the child will be blind.
3. If she is frightened, the child will be a coward one.

In this connection, there is a clear-out example from history.
When king Akbar was in his mother's womb, there was solar eclipse. His mother tried to make a mark on the calf of her leg with a pin. When asked why she
was doing it, she said that since solar eclipse is on, I wanted to give permanent mark to her son. History is the witness that when Akbar was born
he had a deep black mark on the calf of his leg.

There was a man whose foot was sprained permanently. Later on it came to light that his mother had sprained her foot during the solar eclipse while coming down the steps. Hindu women keep on chanting the names of
God and Godesses during the eclipse time so that their children become saintly.
Some women used to put on full make up during the eclipse so that they
birth to beautiful children.

Private Reply to CaptainSindbad

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