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!:Global Sindhis [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Deti-leti (Dowry)..a necessary evil to save the honorViews: 162
May 07, 2007 6:57 pm re: Deti-leti (Dowry) article by Pushpa Moorjani and (Poem) A Daughter by anita butani

~ ever happy ~ ani.
Hi friends,

Reading today dear Pushpa Moorjani's very nice article on "Deti-Leti" in Sindhi, which means "dowry" that generally parents of a daughter in Indian marriage give to the boy's family, I am reminded of a poem I composed on "A daughter", with somewhat similar thoughts. Wish to share with my Global Sindhi friends.

Once known, even in the womb
Generally, parents feel, a daughter is real doom,
The day, the baby girl is born
Their heart pricks incessantly, like a thorn.

Life is no more, a lovely song
They feel, Lord, has done them something wrong,
Their future, they feel, is bleak and not bright
Because, really, they have no insight.

To bring up the baby child, is parents’ duty
So they perform it, with love and sincerity,
Although, at the back of their mind, like ringing chime
The thought of bringing-up a girl child, harps all the time.

They naturally, worry about her mannerisms in Society
They cannot give a daughter, like a son, much liberty,
Once the girl like a flower, blossoms and blooms
About her dowry, is their only thought that brings gloom.

Why should parents have at all to pay so?
The baby girl, have not they taken enough trouble to grow,
In no way, a girl, these days, is less than a boy
For parents, a child is a child, a bundle of joy.

Just as the boys have in their career reached so high
The girls are in no way, left behind, but topped space and sky,
Truly girls are Lord’s gift, endearing and precious
Like chrysanthemums, daisies, lilies, so gracious.

The bottom line is, a daughter is, therefore, not at all, an agony
It is the thought, that is demeaning and funny,
It is true, just for a moment, as a parent, if you think
A daughter is always by your side, when you are at life’s brink.

anita butani
07 05 2007

Private Reply to ~ ever happy ~ ani. (new win)

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